Welcome, come and stay awhile!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Hello World!!!!

Miss Faye Evelyn Hollosy, the most beautiful baby in the world!

Ahhhh Summer!

So the Brugsmania is in bloom, the Banana trees sprouting 4ft leaves! We all know what is lurking right around the corner....so summer goes.
Franklin Mi show is on Labor Day and I once again will be heading out that way. At least I look forward to seeing Julie and the gang that weekend.
And so the grand baby has arrived via C-section! She is the most beautiful little flower ever! Photos will be appearing shortly. Her name is Faye Evelyn.
Thanks for checkin' in all, have a lovely day. BK~

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The Beautiful View from the Porch!

This is the Serene Veiw from the little house porch. As you can see it is Sunday morning after the show and so the sun is coming out. Still Charlevoix was fun and so glad to go. It rained on Saturday so the show dollars were way down but still enjoyed the weekend to no end. Margret is a wonderful companion and we had fun. Decided to get out of the fray that is Charlevoix and enjoyed dinner in East Jordan. What a wonderful quiet town with just enough good reasturants. Saturday afternoon I triped on the curb and fell down in front of about 1,000 people! Nothing injured but my pride, oh yeah, spilled the hot coffee and the pop, oh well...thanks for checking in! BK~

Ellsworth MI

Here is the famous Mshaw on the porch of the little Ellsworth House. This is where I stay for my shows up north.