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Sunday, June 21, 2009

It's Fathers Day

Sunday morning and a beautiful one at that! It is Fathers Day and with that I'd like to say my Dad passed away 2 yrs ago. I'm not sure how I feel about Dad. I'd have to say he was a way nicer person when he was younger, before he started drinking if you get my drift. I will pay my respects to him as he was my Father. Thanks for taking me pheasant hunting Dad, and stroking my feverish brow when I was sick. I loved that we got to go upnorth to Newberry to vacation when I was little. I remember the little silver trailer and camping at Perch Lake. Those were the good times for sure.

Next!!....I made some interesting beads yesterday. You know what that means, maybe a little strange looking bead. I got so wrapped up with the making of this one focal. I think because I was listening to a really great cd, covers of Gram Parson songs, that I just kept adding more and more surface design until I sorta came to and realized my hand was numb and I had a 2 ton bead on the mandrel! I'll post that later this afternoon, it's still in the kiln at the moment. You be the judge.

I continue watching "Weeds", it is so dang funny but really touching as well. For those who don't know I stopped drinking and smoking pot when Joe died. I feel like a million bucks too, in fact I wish I could talk about my new found sobriety more often. It is a beautiful thing, I just love, love , love it!

Today I will try to get some things accomplished. The biggest thing I've got to do is set up my booth exactly how it will be for Northville next week. As I'm in Glass not Jewelry my display will have to be completely different. I'm thinking of making some clever little quotes and suggestions to display next to my work. Like what you ask? Well, for a long time I was thinking of what hair color would go with what earrings. I realized when women come up to my booth they often seem clueless about what to buy. Perhaps "this earring would look beautiful with blond hair", would help push their buy button. Stay tuned....XOXO BK~

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