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Monday, July 13, 2009

Petoskey Art in the Park, July 18th One Day Only!

I have a long history with this show...about 5 yrs ago I took my set up and rode along with Mshaw, as she was doing the show and I was just hoping to get in if there was a no-show. I did get in but it was hectic trying to get set up very last minute, like we're talking 15 min before the show started. I made $3,000 in 6 hrs. The following yrs I applied but never could get accepted. BK suspected foul play at the chamber of commerce, yes I was a pain in the neck getting set up that yr, but that was'nt my fault!! This yr when I did get accepted I was like "are you sure???" So it's off to the great blue yonder of up north next weekend. David is also doing the show, lots of togetherness...maybe too much? We'll see. I'm sure to have exciting stories to tell when I get back!
Meanwhile, the Ann Arbor show starts this Wendnesday. I got a call from a customer of mine, 84yr old Mary Andrews. she is such a dear customer. All excited about coming to see my work. I had to tell her the bad news that BK would not be attending as a exhibitor, but set up a time to see her at Panara on Wed. after I see the show. Thanks for checking in, XOXO, BK~

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