Welcome, come and stay awhile!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Heading South to Columbus!

Hey All, I was supose to be at the Franklin art fair this Monday, Labor Day. However Upper Arlington show near Columbus has called me off the wait list so I canceled Frank and going to a brand new show for me. I am excited to a. get out of town and b. do a new show.
Wow that pic sure is blury...ever since I lost tthe dew-hicky that holds the camera on the tripod....gotta get a new one.
Our new DNA continues to eat and grow and even open those eyes a little. I'm set to go on vacation for the next 10 days so I will make another visit to see our little darling Faye.
I've had the house to myself for the last 3 days. David off to Madison for a funeral of a friend, one more person bites the dust due to Depression, so freakin' sad, leaves a wife and 8yr old biy behind. Luke my youngest son has moved in but went to An Arbor for the weekend, hence I'm alone and loving it. Gotta put a few more pair of earrings together, thanks for checking out my blog, catch you all lata, BK~

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Hello World!!!!

Miss Faye Evelyn Hollosy, the most beautiful baby in the world!

Ahhhh Summer!

So the Brugsmania is in bloom, the Banana trees sprouting 4ft leaves! We all know what is lurking right around the corner....so summer goes.
Franklin Mi show is on Labor Day and I once again will be heading out that way. At least I look forward to seeing Julie and the gang that weekend.
And so the grand baby has arrived via C-section! She is the most beautiful little flower ever! Photos will be appearing shortly. Her name is Faye Evelyn.
Thanks for checkin' in all, have a lovely day. BK~

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The Beautiful View from the Porch!

This is the Serene Veiw from the little house porch. As you can see it is Sunday morning after the show and so the sun is coming out. Still Charlevoix was fun and so glad to go. It rained on Saturday so the show dollars were way down but still enjoyed the weekend to no end. Margret is a wonderful companion and we had fun. Decided to get out of the fray that is Charlevoix and enjoyed dinner in East Jordan. What a wonderful quiet town with just enough good reasturants. Saturday afternoon I triped on the curb and fell down in front of about 1,000 people! Nothing injured but my pride, oh yeah, spilled the hot coffee and the pop, oh well...thanks for checking in! BK~

Ellsworth MI

Here is the famous Mshaw on the porch of the little Ellsworth House. This is where I stay for my shows up north.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Special Order Done!

Mary, you Pink and Violet Head, your bracelet is done. Still working on those earrings.
What else is going on? Just finished season 4 of "Weeds". I do love those characters, especially Nancy who has a wonderful feminine quality and Andy who is as cute as they come. Just joined the Weeds forum and I see I'm not the only one crazy about the show.
This is the first summer I've feed the birds and so glad I decided to do so. The mother Cardinal just had her 2 fledges out there by the feeder. They were doing that little fluttering of their wings that signals "Me Hungry!" the little ones are as big as she is. Mothering is alot of work, even for the birds! Thanks for checkin' in.
Ann, have you talked Mshaw into going upnorth next weekend yet??? BK~

New Black and Ivory Bracelet!

Back by popular demand, lots of ladies just love this balck and Ivory braclet and I haven't done one is several yrs. Do hope it sells in Charlevoix!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

What I've been working on!

I've just got to finish my special orders from Petoskey. Here are some of the new beads I've been working on. I've also decided to bring back the black and ivory bracelet for Charlevoix, which is Aug 8th. Still working on finding a house sitter if anyone would like to house sit in the country let me know. Manchester is beautiful this time of yr. BK~

The Eccentic Architect

There are seven little mushroom houses built by the same architect. If you look closely you will see the low, funky roofs and the beautiful little chimney. Now these really are charming in Petoskey.

Show Me the Charm...

A lovely little mushroom house in Petoskey, turn right after the drawbridge

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Hi Beadheads, A little birdie told me a certain bead artist did $10,000 in Ann Arbor last week! As my friend Faith said we should defiantly look to her for guidance and inspiration. Which brings me to the topic what really makes work sell? Having alot of it in the booth? Is that better than a minimalist approach? How important is pricing? This is the trickest question...too high people won't buy too low they buy but there is no real money made. I was told by one customer last weekend that I had really good prices, she did'nt buy anything so what does it all mean? For instance the pendant pictured above sold last year I think for around $70. I did make money on it but certainly not alot of money. Maybe I'll raise my prices for Charlevoix. I don't think $45 is that much to pay for earrings, but as of now I only charge $38. I think if someone really likes and wants a certain earring price will not be a big factor as long as it is reasonable say below $60. Today I am off to the studio to continue making beads for special order and for a few new pieces for Charlevoix, thanks for checking in, have a good day, BK~

Monday, July 20, 2009

Econmic Growth and Development! Petoskey Show

Greetings All, What a really nice weekend up north! Despite the fact that I wore my down jacket all day Saturday amid the intermittent rain.... my customers were really nice and very interested in my beads. I sold alot of jewelry too along with lots of beads. The park was packed with people, maybe because they didn't want to be out on their boats...I'm beginning to like one day shows, take the money and run kinda thing. Several special orders to do. I've got to make a few beads first to use in a bracelet and a few special order earrings. Hope your day is good, I'll be back soon. XOXO BK~

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Back From the Ann Arbor Art Fair.

Wow, what a day at the show yesterday, walking nonstop for 3hrs! I saw the whole show, all 4 of them! Saw lots of friends too. Here I was in the Fiber Guilds booth and sure fell in love with there hats! They are $110 each, way toooo lovely and creative. There is lots of cool beads and stuff on them. I think her name is Ann Flora that does this work.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

New Necklace Set for Petoskey

Hi All, Just finished this set for "Up North" this weekend. It has been a very long time since I did a set like this. The pic dosen't do it justice, because in real life the plain transparent beads just shine, exposing the real beauty on the glass. Hope your day is going well, catcha lata, BK!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Petoskey Art in the Park, July 18th One Day Only!

I have a long history with this show...about 5 yrs ago I took my set up and rode along with Mshaw, as she was doing the show and I was just hoping to get in if there was a no-show. I did get in but it was hectic trying to get set up very last minute, like we're talking 15 min before the show started. I made $3,000 in 6 hrs. The following yrs I applied but never could get accepted. BK suspected foul play at the chamber of commerce, yes I was a pain in the neck getting set up that yr, but that was'nt my fault!! This yr when I did get accepted I was like "are you sure???" So it's off to the great blue yonder of up north next weekend. David is also doing the show, lots of togetherness...maybe too much? We'll see. I'm sure to have exciting stories to tell when I get back!
Meanwhile, the Ann Arbor show starts this Wendnesday. I got a call from a customer of mine, 84yr old Mary Andrews. she is such a dear customer. All excited about coming to see my work. I had to tell her the bad news that BK would not be attending as a exhibitor, but set up a time to see her at Panara on Wed. after I see the show. Thanks for checking in, XOXO, BK~

Sea Green and Tourquoise Pendant

This is probly the largest bead I've ever made. Sure to get lots of attention when worn. On it's way up north next weekend! SOLD

New Work For Petoskey

You may remember these beads from awhile ago. They are all made up and ready to go to Petoskey Art in the Park next Saturday!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Relax, It'll Be Fine...

Forgive my long absence, I do have a long list of excuses for being gone for the last week. As you know breakdowns come and go and I had a big one over the weekend. To make matters worse my computor got a very ugly Trojan worm ( I don't even like spelling it here for fear it will again attach itself to my files) which happened on Thursday as I was poking around the web.
That said I've spent lots of time obsessing about MJ, who I've never been a huge fan of, I'm just not that into Pop, however now I can't get enough of all the lurid details. How in the world does one become so famous that one can not even do something that comes so easily for the rests of us....sleep! Speaking of sleep I would love to be as relaxed as m'lady in the photo taken at the boys garden in Ferndale.
I have a new blog I'm loving about small spaces.http://lovinglivingsmall.blogspot.com/ why is it you must aquire some years before you appreciate the beauty of a tiny house? Less to clean and I find it a very comforting space to be in.
I'll be right back with some new pics but right now the camera batteries are low so I've got to wait an hour to recharge them. You should see (and you will) the new giganic spacer beads I'm working on. They take 2 rods of glass to make, just huge! Gotta run to the shop. Trust that BK! is back on her feet again. Lata...BK~

Monday, June 29, 2009

Heidi's House...

Heidi has a house full of stuff I'd love to own. This painting by michaloppolus in one of them. He is a painter from New Orleans, quite famous and you can see why. Thanks for introducing me to him Heidi! http://www.michealoppolus.com/

Return From The Big City!

And boy am I tired people! Anywhoooo, Northville was disappointing but could always be worse. I did $800. Customers just aren't turning out in droves like they use to and the ones that do come out are often disinterested. It was a very fun weekend however. I very much need to thank my very good friends, Julie and Heidi Lynn for their most excellent hospitality. Thanks for letting me stay at your house Heidi. It was really fun. Julie waited on me hand and foot and I don't need to tell you how special that makes a lady feel. Dinner was excellent as was the company. Here I am at the boys beautiful garden. Ferndale really has some beautiful homes and gardens. Thanks for checking in, BK~

Friday, June 26, 2009

Look! Look! See Jane Run!

Greetings Beadheads! Whew! BK has been working overtime to get her jewelry/beadcase together for the weekend. Remember this is my first show in like 8 mos and everything is in a crazy mubo, jumbo mess. I'll be leaving for Northville tomorrow morning about 5:30a. Hope to have the truck all loaded about 4p today. I hope those that are following this new and exciting eblog will click on "followers" and become a follower. Don't hold back, be a brave girl like my new mascot "Jane", isn't she cute? And she has over 200 outfits! This from "Growing Up With Dick and Jane" Remember mention this blog and recieve a FREE BAG of beads at the show, no wonder Jane is jumping for joy! Peace, BK~

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Greetings Beadheads!

This little plant has turned out to be quite the little charmer. I don't know the plant name for it but will find out when I go back to the produce station. The matte green leaves and those little coral flowerettes are so charming!
Well, just a few more days and it's time for the road trip to Northville. I'm feeling just a tad nervous about my spot...sorta the end of a row of booths, I hate being stuck on an end. Looking forward to seeing my gal pals though, and three words, Sell, Sell, Sell!
Gonna be a scorcher today, I love summer! Take care all and thanks for checkin' in! BK~

Sunday, June 21, 2009

It's Fathers Day

Sunday morning and a beautiful one at that! It is Fathers Day and with that I'd like to say my Dad passed away 2 yrs ago. I'm not sure how I feel about Dad. I'd have to say he was a way nicer person when he was younger, before he started drinking if you get my drift. I will pay my respects to him as he was my Father. Thanks for taking me pheasant hunting Dad, and stroking my feverish brow when I was sick. I loved that we got to go upnorth to Newberry to vacation when I was little. I remember the little silver trailer and camping at Perch Lake. Those were the good times for sure.

Next!!....I made some interesting beads yesterday. You know what that means, maybe a little strange looking bead. I got so wrapped up with the making of this one focal. I think because I was listening to a really great cd, covers of Gram Parson songs, that I just kept adding more and more surface design until I sorta came to and realized my hand was numb and I had a 2 ton bead on the mandrel! I'll post that later this afternoon, it's still in the kiln at the moment. You be the judge.

I continue watching "Weeds", it is so dang funny but really touching as well. For those who don't know I stopped drinking and smoking pot when Joe died. I feel like a million bucks too, in fact I wish I could talk about my new found sobriety more often. It is a beautiful thing, I just love, love , love it!

Today I will try to get some things accomplished. The biggest thing I've got to do is set up my booth exactly how it will be for Northville next week. As I'm in Glass not Jewelry my display will have to be completely different. I'm thinking of making some clever little quotes and suggestions to display next to my work. Like what you ask? Well, for a long time I was thinking of what hair color would go with what earrings. I realized when women come up to my booth they often seem clueless about what to buy. Perhaps "this earring would look beautiful with blond hair", would help push their buy button. Stay tuned....XOXO BK~

Friday, June 19, 2009

Sleepy Summer Afternoon

Trixie, Isn't she beautiful?